About TMCA

Promoting the advantages of group travel by motor coach since 1995!
The Tennessee Motor Coach Association was established in June of 1995 when a group of concerned motorcoach owners were called together at the urging of the North Carolina Bus Association. Having experienced the many benefits of an active association, NCBA members convinced attendees that a state association would have a major impact on the travel industry not only in Tennessee but throughout the nation as well. With their help, TMCA was born that day as officers and board members were elected and Russel Ooten with Greene Coach Company was elected the first President.
After establishing by-laws and requirements for membership, the new association quickly began a recruitment program for active members. Our ultimate goal is to promote the advantages of group travel by motorcoach and broaden the spectrum of destinations throughout Tennessee and America. To do this our association made a commitment to enlist operator members that were willing to join in a “team effort” to educate and inform the traveling public of what our unique industry is all about and how we can serve them better.
As a result, our association has grown to include motor coach operator members representing a vast number of coaches in and out of the state of Tennessee. In just a short period of time, our members realized the tremendous advantages of working together in unity. Although competition is still a major part of our everyday business, operators now are able to compete in a healthier market due to knowledge gained and shared through cooperative efforts of our membership. Through social events, regular meetings, and specially designed training seminars, our members have managed to stay on the leading edge of today’s ever-changing industry. Issues such as State and Federal legislation, safety, public relations, tourism, and travel-related programs are constantly monitored by the association in order that its members maintain the highest standards possible and enhance the image of the motorcoach industry.
Our associate membership has grown to include many companies and organizations that represent industry-related vendors from all across the U.S. and Canada. Tour and Travel associates include representatives of the hotel-motel industry, attractions, restaurants, visitor bureaus, and receptive tour operators just to mention a few. While our service-related associates include: motorcoach and parts manufacturers, tire and lubricant suppliers, insurance agencies, and maintenance products. TMCA values the insight and expertise of our associate members and encourages their views and comments for a successful association. For this reason, 2 seats on our board of directors are reserved for associate members.
Each year operator and associate members meet for an annual Convention and Marketplace, where ideas are shared and acquaintances are made. New products are available for display and associates are able to deal one on one with operators. Also, entertainment, great food, and leisure activities play an active part in not only making a good business deal but a lasting friendship as well.
The Tennessee Motorcoach Association has come a long way in a short time and our commitment to this industry will take us even farther as advances are made in technology and new challenges are brought before us. Our pledge will be to work with all state and national associations as well as government agencies that are committed to achieving a level of excellence in the motorcoach and tourism industry that sets the standard for the rest of the world.
The Tennessee Motor Coach Association welcomes any vendor that is in the tourism industry or is associated with the motorcoach industry to join our Association. Our membership year runs from January 1 to December 31 and membership dues are $300 per year.
Our Association is always looking for interested coach companies to become a part of our family. The biggest question we are asked is what can you do for me? The list is endless. But the main answer is the friendships and cooperation between companies, not to mention the education you will receive.
To apply for an Operator or Vendor Membership, click the button below!